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Tuesday 20 October 2020

Here are some things to keep in mind when drinking coffee

  Here are some things to keep in mind when drinking coffee: What various researches say about the harms and benefits of coffee; How and how much coffee should you drink?

How and how much coffee should you drink
How and how much coffee should you drink

Coffee was first reported to be beneficial to health in 2015. According to the British Medical Journal in 2017, the benefits of coffee outweigh the disadvantages

Depending on the method of making the benefits of coffee, coffee is not suitable for pregnant women

Coffee is an important part of our lives. We drink coffee many times in our daily lives. Research has shown that people who choose coffee usually drink 3 to 5 cups of coffee a day, which means that a person drinks 400 mg of coffee a day.

According to Erica Loftfield, a researcher at the American National Cancer School, research has consistently found that coffee has nothing to do with death. This means that coffee is not something that can have a serious impact on one's life.

In 2015, coffee was considered part of a healthy diet

Over the years, people have come to believe that coffee can cause cancer. But in 2015, the U.S. Advisory Committee changed the diet guidelines and changed the way people think about coffee. For the first time, the committee considered the normal use of coffee to be part of a healthy diet.

Then in 2017 the British Medical Journal wrote that the general use of coffee is more beneficial and less harmful. The authors of the British Medical Journal wrote in a review of 200 studies that coffee drinkers generally have fewer heart-related illnesses.

According to Dr. Giuseppe Grosso, drinking three to five cups of coffee a day reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. The most beneficial aspect of coffee is that its use can make polyphenols in the body, which boosts the body’s immune system.

Coffee is not suitable for pregnant women

Many people become addicted to coffee, there is always a concern for it. Some American organizations are researching the harms of coffee. So far many things have been said for his loss though it is only a kind of conjecture. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post.

Coffee is harmful to pregnant women, as has been the case in many types of research. Consumption of coffee increases the amount of caffeine in the body, which is not suitable for the fetus.

"Coffee can give us health benefits, but I'm not sure about that right now," said Jonathan Folofield, a professor at the University of Edinburgh.

There is nothing wrong with making your own coffee

What kind of coffee do you make, dark or light? Grinding coffee beans or normal? Coffee tastes different in this way, but the benefits of coffee also vary, says Niall Friedman, a senior researcher at the American National Cancer Institute. Research is underway on how much difference it makes.

Expert Niall Friedman gives the example that many people make coffee by roasting coffee beans, which lowers the amount of chlorogenic acid in coffee. Espresso coffee uses less water, so it contains more coffee compounds.

Read News Report

JAMA Internal Medicine researched the coffee habit of 5 million people in Britain. It found that there was no significant difference between people who drank all types of coffee, but those who drank quick coffee, that is, fast coffee, were more acidic. Assistant Professor in JAMA Internal Medicine c. According to Cornelius, consuming coffee prepared in different ways can lower cholesterol levels.

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